Donald Trump Greets First White House Tour Since Melania Reopened Them: ‘Very Smart Looking People’

Donald Trump Greets First White House Tour Since Melania Reopened Them: ‘Very Smart Looking People’

President Donald Trump greeted the first White House tour on Tuesday since his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, reopened them to the public.

“I want to thank you very much for coming,” Trump told the group. “The tour is so great … just such a good job. The first lady worked very hard in making it perfect, and I think you’re going to really love it.”

Trump continued, telling the group that he heard they were there and insisted on stopping by.

“Very smart looking people, I must say. Very smart. Maybe someday you’ll be here as a president, right? Somebody in this group has a chance,” Trump said.

“Have a good time! Have a great tour, and you’re going to give them a special tour. Okay, you’re going to get a special tour. Have fun, everybody,” he added, after which the group began chanting “USA!”


The February 25 tour came right on schedule, as First Lady Melania Trump announced in a press release earlier this month that the White House would officially reopen for public tours beginning February 25.

“The President and I are excited to reopen the White House to those interested in the extraordinary story of this iconic and beautiful landmark,” she said in a statement.

“There is much to learn about the American Presidency, the First Families who have lived here, and our Nation’s rich history from a firsthand experience at the White House,” she continued.

“This opportunity is unique among nations around the globe—a tradition we are honored to continue for the hundreds of thousands of visitors who come each year,” she added.

The press release noted that public tours are “requested through Members of Congress, and requests may be submitted up to three months in advance.”

The self-guided tours usually last about 45 minutes and are “generally” from “7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday as well as 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday through Saturday (excluding Federal holidays or unless otherwise noted),” per the announcement.

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