‘We Are Under Siege’: Burlington, Vermont Residents Complain of Open Drug Use, Homeless Encampments

‘We Are Under Siege’: Burlington, Vermont Residents Complain of Open Drug Use, Homeless Encampments

‘We Are Under Siege’: Burlington, Vermont Residents Complain of Open Drug Use, Homeless Encampments

Drugs are prepared to shoot intravenously by a user addicted to heroin on February 6, 2014
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Residents of a Vermont city plagued by rampant homelessness and drug use are speaking out against the “lack of respect” shown for law-abiding citizens, and complaining that they cannot go outside at night due to the crime.

Burlington, the small state’s most populous city with just 44,500 people, experiences a crime rate of 60 per one thousand residents, far more than the state and national average, law enforcement data shows.

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